Korea - Japan 2009 Study Tour Itinerary
(Maureen Stephens & Ted Mitchell)
Presentations on Japan:
Geography of Japan
(by Ted Mitchell - An overview)
Japanese & Japanese Culture 2009
(Yuko Takahashi)
Japan in the 21st Century
(Masaru Tsuji, Consul General of Japan in Boston)
Reading the Landscapes of East Asia - An Exploration of the Geography of Japan (PDF Version)
(Dr. Piper Gaubatz, Professor, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Presentations on Korea:
Chosun Dynasty 1392-1910 C.E.
(Mark Peterson of Brigham Young University)
Korea 2009: Language, Culture, & History
(Jina Kim, East Asian Studies - Smith College)
Korean Economic Development in Historic Perspective
(Joon-Kyung Kim)
Korean Family: Then and Now
(Christian Joon Park)
Korea in the 21st Century
(The Honorable Kim Jooseok, Consul General of Korea in Boston)
Korea - The Three Kingdoms
(Mark Peterson of Brigham Young University)
Koryo to Chosun 918-1392 C.E.
(Mark Peterson of Brigham Young University)
Korea's UNESCO Sites
(Mark Peterson of Brigham Young University)
Two Koreas and the Korean Peninsula
(Jihwan Hwang)