History teaches everything including the future - Lamartine
If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development - Aristotle
History remembers only the brilliant failures and the brilliant successes - Randolph S. Bourne
The supreme purpose of history is a better world - Herbert Hoover
No historian should be trusted implicitly - G. Kitson Clark
History repeats itself because no one was listening the first time - Anonymous
Life must be lived forward, but it can only be understood backward - Soren Kierkegaard
History is often not what actually happened but what is recorded as such - Henry L. Stimson
History is a vast early warning system - Norman Cousins
History teaches everything including the future - Lamartine
Team newsletter - Keep yourself updated!
Please make sure that you take care of your district Chromebook. If something goes wrong, complete the repair form and get your device to tech. support as soon as possible.
This is a good place for help with Chromebooks - Google.
Teacher Study Tours
I've been fortunate to travel to China (
2006 and
2011), Korea (
2008 and
2009), and Japan (
2009). I took many pictures and video and have made them available online.
This unit of study culminates in students researching their town's comprehensive plan and making suggestions on how to improve their community.
This section includes articles I've written on curriculum, presentations I've made, in addition to editorials in local papers.